im so confused.. and annoyed, he blamed her for smth she had no control over and was an outright ASSHOLE for a long time but ofc the fl will forgive at all times bcs thats ovbiously not something worth getting mad over when she literally attempted suicide, ml is the dumbest in the world and as dense as the universe. ”why did she react like that” idk, maybe bcs u got super mad at her? 💀we need a ml that actually has a personality and not just mad and angry all the time.. if he doesnt have character development soon im dropping
I really hope they explain something because all she had in her room when he woke up in her room was pills and alcohol and was pretty obvious she was trying to commit suicide or atleast hurt herself.
im so confused.. and annoyed, he blamed her for smth she had no control over and was an outright ASSHOLE for a long time but ofc the fl will forgive at all times bcs thats ovbiously not something worth getting mad over when she literally attempted suicide, ml is the dumbest in the world and as dense as the universe. ”why did she react like that” idk, maybe bcs u got super mad at her? 💀we need a ml that actually has a personality and not just mad and angry all the time.. if he doesnt have character development soon im dropping
I really hope they explain something because all she had in her room when he woke up in her room was pills and alcohol and was pretty obvious she was trying to commit suicide or atleast hurt herself.
Mimi a mi a a mi mi
Ok so at least winter is not a phyco , he just didn’t know what happened to her?
aight time to grab some tissue before continuing this
Yes same here