Read manhwa The Obsessive Stud Scammed Me into Marriage / I Was Tricked Into a Fraudulent Marriage by the Obsessive Villain / 집착 흑막에게 사기 결혼 당해버렸다
Our female lead had the martial arts skills to beat down any man, but never had the chance to date or even touch a man in her past life. After an untimely death, she is transmigrated into the childhood body of Iona, a noble lady in a Fantasy Romance novel world, where her fate is to wed and live with one man. “No Way! This time, I’m dating around!” Determined to escape marriage, she befriends a crying boy she finds in her garden who shares a similar fate, and light-heartedly agrees to marry him to cheer him up. After Iona is all grown up and ready to mingle with all the gorgeous men in the empire, a certificate of engagement finds her, showing that she is already engaged to none other than Carvain Tenebreth, the ninth crown prince of the empire. They crying boy had scammed him into becoming his Crown Princess! Iona, even running away from home, pushes for divorce, while her obsesseive husband is hot on her tail, determined to wife her. Will Iona be able to enjoy a free love life, or end up tied to her obsessive prince for life?”
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I’m surprised this has a rating over one star. One chapter and a half was all it took to completely gross me out. Fl needs to chill, I could call her some names but none that haven’t been said before so I won’t sully my mouth like she does hers ew gross disgusting, and this goes for guys like that as well just so you know, polygamy is disgusting period.
@paninpanic obviously people will blame the fml, she is basically banging any men. Go to fucking the grand court or something and get a divorce instead of nagging him and getting refused. She is just a characterless woman nothing more nothing less. Yes the male lead is red flag but she is much worse tbh. Defending the fml is just being hypocrite at this point
Just no
1. Reminds me of an early 90’s harem in the worst way
2. Fl uses a spy glass to look through the clothes of passerby
3. Fl is very thoughtless, harem ml in a reverse-harem fl’s body, lvl thoughtless
4. Fl is physically/sexually abusive to her employees
@paninpanic I am a women and I will also call her wh*re it doesn’t matter even it were a men I will also call the men who*re who do this. Yes he was a red flag but fl is black flag. She should have sense of pride, she knew that she was scammed into marriage but she still cheated on, it’s better if she had divorced him and then fu*ked people, but I’m not angry at her this much than she is drooling over men, and she is ready to sleep with many men’s, she had one night stand with ml, what if he is not the ml, and just passer by she probably have slept with many men. Her behaviour shows she is ready to fu*k many men. As a women I also have sense of pride and common sense. This behaviour of fl is really disgusting for us women.
Its my opinion, And even if men would have doing this he is also wh*re. Its not all about gender, it’s about a person common sense and sense of pride, value for yourself and your body. Selling body for pleasure is the most disgusting thing I think.
Whoa there. I forgot all about this one, and I read through the comments and remembered by reading my comment . Why are you people in the comments insulting people with different opinions than you by using derogatory terms, such as “prudes stuck in the 1900s”, “boy crazy whores”, “fanatics” and “bitches” just because we have a different opinion on the story? The comment section is for your analysis and opinions on the manhwa, not your analysis and opinions of other people, based on their comments. It’s ok to have a different opinion, but you shouldn’t invalidate other people’s opinions by calling them names, it doesn’t make your comment any more credible, in fact, it just makes your comment less credible. Everyone has different views and standards, so their opinion is going to be different from yours.
I was scared by the comments but I realise now they were written by prudes stuck in the 1900s.
They girl got literally scammed into singinig a marriage contract by the “husband” when they were kids, after meeting each other only a few times. And later the husband is coercing her house into to either accept it or lose all their assets.
What’s wrong with FL wanting to date around? Women need to stay virgins and then marry the 1st guy they met? If her husband grew up to an ugly creep you guys would still support her sticking to him? They had literally no contact after singing that document, why tf does she need to stay loyal to a man like that? This is a romcom so i guess they’ll fall in love and bla bla bla, but if it was real life there’s a high chance she wouldn’t love him, then she’d be stuck with him and not being able to date and find a true partner
@paninpanic he is indian man. Its a indian name
@FableStable, first she signed the marriage contract because he was crying about his mother selling him off. She was helping a child. She didn’t think it would actually be valid, because children wouldn’t actually remember something like that!! Plus I don’t think she realized he was the ml or the villain or wtv he was.
2ndly she did not force any of the men to dress like that, they literally exchange tips on which clothes stores to go because when the f up on a mission and she gets angry, they distract her with their muscles.
3rd I’m pretty sure with how devoted the 2nd ml was, if she didn’t have self control and proper sense like any other person, she would have slept with him and no one would have found out. Plus emotional Cheating?!?!? She hadn’t seen the husband since a child, in rl she could’ve had the marriage annulled. She had no way to bond with him, for all she knew he could be an a*busive ahole.
4th, are you just going to ignore how many times she tried to get divorce and either her sister or husband or for some reason she couldn’t. In one of the chapters he literally threatened the sister into acknowledging the contract so she could keep supporting her family since their parents died.
5th I never said I was against their relationship, I said he was a walking red flag that everyone chooses to ignore and hate on the fml because she’s what? A modern woman who went into a novel where it clearly was set against women, seeing as she couldn’t get a divorce or anything??
And for all you hating on the older sister, she’s doing what she has to do to make up for her mistake of accepting the Ml’s bribe when her family wasn’t stable. So she’s trying to get the fml out of the marriage now.
Also @Shiv Bhatt calling women whores and bitches shows you’re either a male or just not a girls girl. Sorry hun.
Shiv bhatt
@paninpanic only one sensible person among all these boy crazy whores. Leave these fanatics alone these whores are always projecting with their internalised misogy in the comments, i have lost the count how many comments i have read about “DUMB FLs” even though she’s NOT DUMB but these mfing daughters of a fithy dick thinks they’re doing something, these bitches would drool over a BL manhwas 🥱 and crush over a mtherfucking dumb male protagonist just because he’s a cute uwu “BOY” but if it’s same with FLs these harlots feel jealous and repulsive for no damn reason, like bitch just because a fictional character doesn’t fuck you, you don’t have to act like a 5 year old rival, maybe find someone in real life.
Shiv bhatt
@FabledSable boy crazy fangirl whores like you need to shut the fuck up. Always defend your “husbandos” even if they’re chewing garbage, you lowlife lunatics literally don’t have anything better to do.
Damn i keep forgetting the title of this trash and end up opening it thinking it’s new….
@paninpanic: First and foremost the FML is A TRANSMIGRATOR. IN HER 20s. No matter how much of a scam it is, if she’s willing to sign an engagement contract with a 5-10yr old boy, that’s on her.
Next, it’s fine if the fml has a high libido but contracting a bunch of men and forcing them to scantily dress around her and ogle at them, especially in a job setting is just exploitative and disgusting. She is a noble and protected by her sis and ML but no one’s gonna protect them if they ever get into trouble.
AND given the number of times it was mentioned in the few chapters i read i think it was obvious that the only reason she’s not cheating is because of the severe punishment (they cut off the hand for it or something iirc). Yes some people are like that in reality and we call them Scumbags, trash, as****es…etc. And developing emotions for others while in a relationship is emotional cheating🙂 No matter how much she hates it, she should dissolve the engagement first before pulling another innocent party into her nonsense.
Lastly, her husband is just helping her to do what she likes doing the most. Ogling at handsome men. Idk how he manipulated her family but I can say is that in every other romance story you’d be clamouring for her to stop running away and get together with the man who obviously treats her like she’s the only precious thing in the world no matter how obsessive he is. so I don’t see why this guy should be treated any different.
Sorry for the rant, story 8/10 art 8/10 translation 9/10
First and foremost the fml was manipulated by the ml into marrying him when she was just a child. That was the last time she ever saw him, so there was no relationship between them. Then he even threatened/bribed the older sister into accepting their marriage which should technically be void since they made it when they were children.
Next, the fml has a high libido and enjoyed looking at men, she didn’t touch them without permission. People are mad because they want a perfect fml, who isn’t vocal with her attracton,sorry our fml is realistic. This is how some people are in reality get over it. She never cheated on her husband despite not knowing who he really was since the last time she had seen him was more than a decade ago. It’s normal to develop feelings and chemistry with someone who is with you and pays attention to you for over a few years.
Lastly, her husband continues to manipulate her and her family. He knows she likes handsome men and uses that to his advantage. Plus not to forget that he was supposed to kill her in the original which is why she was trying to get a divorce in the first place. HE IS A WALKING RED FLAG, BUT EVERYONE WANTS TO BLAME THE FML.