I feel like that was a really forced alternative plan b on the author’s part and LMAO if I was in that situation I would have just left and joined another hotel or something
Disappointing.. she doesn’t need the job to feed herself anyway.. if it’s reality I would quit.. it’s just Manhwa she’s creating and she worked there enough to see everything it’s not like 2 chapters would be that long for her to need that much reference..
This is stupid you experience terrible things at work and yet accepted another troublesome request ???♀️
Is it wrong that I’m wondering why she doesn’t just quit? I mean it’s not like she needs the job and she’s suffered more than enough trauma to justify her leaving for another job. Also how did she not realize the set up with all the webtoons she’s read. And framing her was way below the belt, those guys have no shame ?
I feel like that was a really forced alternative plan b on the author’s part and LMAO if I was in that situation I would have just left and joined another hotel or something
Disappointing.. she doesn’t need the job to feed herself anyway.. if it’s reality I would quit.. it’s just Manhwa she’s creating and she worked there enough to see everything it’s not like 2 chapters would be that long for her to need that much reference..
This is stupid you experience terrible things at work and yet accepted another troublesome request ???♀️
Well that was disappointing ?
If this was the plan B talk about shitty. I hate male leads like this. Asshole.
WTF what a shitty ML ! And girl you can work in another hotel ! Is there any lack of hotels in Seoul? Use your brain !
Okay question how is he gonna explain that his brother was the one that framed her? What is the entire family gonna pretend he doesn’t exist?
Is it wrong that I’m wondering why she doesn’t just quit? I mean it’s not like she needs the job and she’s suffered more than enough trauma to justify her leaving for another job. Also how did she not realize the set up with all the webtoons she’s read. And framing her was way below the belt, those guys have no shame ?
It’s genuinely hilarious to me that she fell for this bc it feels so corny but tbh I’m just as stupid
Love your Hakyeon meme!
Girl…. I had higher hopes for you than that. -_-
Oh my god seriously ??♀️??♀️
she could just work at another hotel but sure, offer to take on a sketch job to keep your part time job you’re only doing for research purposes.
Black Crow
trash ml