No, author!!! Why do that? If you were going to have it that way then you should have just made Sharan and Bachan siblings instead of a couple!!!!💢👊
…..If that’s the case, then it’d be best if Bachan had died instead of being intoxicated by ‘love potion’…😤
It’s not that I want him dead, but……you know what I mean……..then indirectly it’s like him ‘cheating’ due to a spell…….that’s heartbreaking…..come on😰
No, author!!! Why do that? If you were going to have it that way then you should have just made Sharan and Bachan siblings instead of a couple!!!!💢👊
…..If that’s the case, then it’d be best if Bachan had died instead of being intoxicated by ‘love potion’…😤
It’s not that I want him dead, but……you know what I mean……..then indirectly it’s like him ‘cheating’ due to a spell…….that’s heartbreaking…..come on😰
Oh, my goodness, don’t tell me don’t tell me
I really don’t like this whole thing. making them a couple was already a mistake. they could’ve been siblings. anyway I’m outta here.
Yey, i approved!
Nooooo, she’s gonna be so heartbroken, I don’t like the way the author broke this couple. The were planning to marry
Approved 👍
New ship? I approve