I’m also trying to figure out how her mom is blonde 👱♀️ 🤔 and she not….is she the step child? Did they adopted her cuz she looked like the old queen 👸?!?!?
So how did a white hair, blue eyed person and a blonde, light purple/pink eyed make a pink haired, dark purple eyed baby that looks like the former empress?
Why is her hair pink but neither of her parents have red or pink hair?
I don’t even like this story it make snow sense 😒 🙄 😕
I’m also trying to figure out how her mom is blonde 👱♀️ 🤔 and she not….is she the step child? Did they adopted her cuz she looked like the old queen 👸?!?!?
So how did a white hair, blue eyed person and a blonde, light purple/pink eyed make a pink haired, dark purple eyed baby that looks like the former empress?