Hey hey hey… They’re still children let us not ship them yet. As for the incest thing. Kukudoll is correct and so the incest thing does not apply. Usually back in days it’s okay to marry far relatives when needed too. (not saying I’m okay with that) what I’m saying is that And they are not even blood related so there’s a less risk of mutation in their offspring in the future.
Well, she wasnt really adopted as a member of the Marquez family, she was.given a.different surname, that is, Clave.
Technically, they’re just childhood friends living under the same roof.
Side note. So based on what we’ve seen, the older brother is the ML. Ain’t that still incest. I mean unless the mother takes her back, it’s still weird
@PsychoPrincess he is…but how the hell is he alive… Was there nothing in the grave? 😱
Peter? It’s he supposed to be dead?
Hey hey hey… They’re still children let us not ship them yet. As for the incest thing. Kukudoll is correct and so the incest thing does not apply. Usually back in days it’s okay to marry far relatives when needed too. (not saying I’m okay with that) what I’m saying is that And they are not even blood related so there’s a less risk of mutation in their offspring in the future.
Well, she wasnt really adopted as a member of the Marquez family, she was.given a.different surname, that is, Clave.
Technically, they’re just childhood friends living under the same roof.
Side note. So based on what we’ve seen, the older brother is the ML. Ain’t that still incest. I mean unless the mother takes her back, it’s still weird
Huh? Didn’t peter died from the beating of the head of the orphanage? That’s why there’s a cross near the tree in the previous chapters.
But Peter died?!
Ya I think they messed up her name in translation, by accident
Who is rozni??? I think her name is rosaline