Yeah, and problem is ,what should be most protected, children i mean, arent protected because medias and goverment waste our tax money on things like lgbt, trans ,green propaganda and other sh*t, just look at olimpic games in france, they advocate that guy runing in women competition is ok if he chose female as his gender. How many kids could live happily if instead bilions wasting on this sick propaganda goes to orphanages and other institutions to make those kids happy ? Thousends, houndrets of thousends, mayby even milions. Global politics basicly rob people and make them unhappy. Not to mention wars, propably all wars from medivel times up until now were creted for money by just few people
She’s like a sun that shines now that I think of it the royal family had a blonde hair as well although it is in a different shade to her. Is this the usual cliche or is she a child from a well-known family… Why hide though?
Uh what about her real mom? She must be alive right? And please tell me the ml is some other kid and not someone in the family (there’s a first son) or there’s no ml.
I just had to
and to think that there really are situations like this in the world… :<
Yeah, and problem is ,what should be most protected, children i mean, arent protected because medias and goverment waste our tax money on things like lgbt, trans ,green propaganda and other sh*t, just look at olimpic games in france, they advocate that guy runing in women competition is ok if he chose female as his gender. How many kids could live happily if instead bilions wasting on this sick propaganda goes to orphanages and other institutions to make those kids happy ? Thousends, houndrets of thousends, mayby even milions. Global politics basicly rob people and make them unhappy. Not to mention wars, propably all wars from medivel times up until now were creted for money by just few people
I hope that orphanage director gets executed. He legit beat a kid to death.
Really should have warned her before then.
She’s like a sun that shines now that I think of it the royal family had a blonde hair as well although it is in a different shade to her. Is this the usual cliche or is she a child from a well-known family… Why hide though?
Uh what about her real mom? She must be alive right? And please tell me the ml is some other kid and not someone in the family (there’s a first son) or there’s no ml.
That was so quick 🏆👍👍👍
At least the Director of the orphanage got what was coming too him😈
I’m so glad this story has a mum and a dad
Usually it’s just a dad, nice to see a mum
are they really using AI art for promotion lmao