An illegitimate princess? a princess born from the previous king before he got dethroned? A princess from the king’s first wife? What kind of princess are you roro
I love that the parents love her enough to look for her real parents, even if it means sacrificing their own happiness they don’t want to make her lose the chance to find her real mother again.
maybe she’s more of an illegitimate daughter or something :/
shes smol :3 and she really looks like a little princess awe
An illegitimate princess? a princess born from the previous king before he got dethroned? A princess from the king’s first wife? What kind of princess are you roro
I love that the parents love her enough to look for her real parents, even if it means sacrificing their own happiness they don’t want to make her lose the chance to find her real mother again.
Yeah Ro is for sure a Princess
Yep that’s my first thought as well. I wonder if she’ll end up manifesting divine power?
I feel the same too.
I feel like she’s part of the royal fam or something