Valhill Right o thought 🤔 it wS super strange how she has white hair when mom hair is brown 😳 and dad’s is orange 🍊 May 16, 2023 at 6:12 pm Log in to Reply
jerrychan97 Yes I also think that both of them are related somehow ? August 2, 2022 at 9:43 am Log in to Reply
TypicallyUsual Hol-up. Lessian and the Prince both have golden eyes… are they cousins or something…? Was Lessian’s mother part of the royal family? June 14, 2022 at 6:54 am Log in to Reply
Right o thought 🤔 it wS super strange how she has white hair when mom hair is brown 😳 and dad’s is orange 🍊
Yes I also think that both of them are related somehow ?
Hol-up. Lessian and the Prince both have golden eyes… are they cousins or something…? Was Lessian’s mother part of the royal family?