Why Do You Love Me When I Refuse Your Request? - Chapter 46
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You don't have anything in histories
For me the bigger problem is authors creating villains who are “evil” from birth/young. A dangerous narrative. Also, it’s hard to feel any sympathy even when they’re given a “tragic backstory” bc they’re just so cartoonishly evil. It’s obvious they’re just a backdrop to showcase how “good” the MC is and that’s what I feel bad for. I guess they’re just not capable enough to write multiple characters with actual depth. Maybe they can’t write a good story without all this melodrama. I guess it’s easier having a cartoon villain you actively root against 100% of the time and won’t feel bad for when they inevitably meet their end. What a shame 99.9% of the time rofan pits women against each other and excuse men who are equally if not more at fault bc they were “under a spell”, had amnesia or just didn’t know 🙄
I’m hoping for the next chapter soon. The novel I’ve found only ends up to this portion and I’m dying to read what happened next. 🙏🙏🙏
or maybe that’s me being a psych student and over analysing everything
i do feel bad for the red haired girl. i know she’s a bad person but it’s not really entirely her fault. the emperor should have looked after her, she’s his daughter too- he’s way too critical + her mother just thinks of herself all the time. yea she’s evil but at this point in the story she is a CHILD and children make mistakes guys let’s take this into account. i can’t help but feel bad for a little kid. maybe if she was looked after properly by caring parents in a normal family; she’d be different.
I bet that the bitch of an empress is behind everything including the incident that just happened, why can’t the emperor just divorce or even do something worse to the bitch of an empress.
What happened?