ahh an original FL without modern education who also had been suppressed and emotionally abused her whole life. just chill and let’s not be too harsh on her
So her husband in the past is in our world but betrayed her I do hope that isn’t true otherwise I will be disappointed so yeah good story I wanna read more
makes more sense. Don’t try to save the korean guy run away to a place that her father has no influence so at least while the plot is pretty well treaded it’s more interesting that she didn’t try to make good with her past life husband and found someone else.
ahh an original FL without modern education who also had been suppressed and emotionally abused her whole life. just chill and let’s not be too harsh on her
Let’s gooo
Another fl is pushover to survive let’s go
Don’t you hate when Northerner go wild bc they don’t know the cool ?
Wtf is up this translation 😂
She’s not a girlboss x
bich wat. Wdym “Father im sorry” fuck him, do as you please.
The art is similar to “how to get my husband by my side” story so prettyyy
FL is so pretty
One who doesnt sleep
Karens are really b*tches even in webtoons.
I feel like I’ve read this novel before
The nose left the chat
Mansi Bhati
BEEN waiting for this to be translated .
thank you for the translation.
PLEASE keep translating
So her husband in the past is in our world but betrayed her I do hope that isn’t true otherwise I will be disappointed so yeah good story I wanna read more
Princess Duck
I need more😭😭😭
This is interesting
😑 i will wait for more chaters
makes more sense. Don’t try to save the korean guy run away to a place that her father has no influence so at least while the plot is pretty well treaded it’s more interesting that she didn’t try to make good with her past life husband and found someone else.
So she changes direction of the plot huh