I agree with aidnad. Y’all can’t read. It expressly says that she attempted different scenarios and arrived at the same end. Poisoned, a fire, etc. Even if the deaths were murders, why assume it was all the same person? Why would you assume that it was someone specific out to get you and not just some recurring fate where you have to get it right to win?
You guys are dumb af, she tried so many different scenarios but kept coming out with the same ending she obviously thought it was just the inevitable outcome, some of you shouldn’t be allowed to form your own opinions, you shit on a story then continue reading it and keep shitting on it like someone’s forcing you to read
Sooo how many deaths where there,
Because if there was a lot like I think there is than she really is an idiot. well at least she tried escaping 🤷 most fl wouldn’t even think that.
…..she didn’t noticed her death were murders????? Is she stupid??? Why the fuck did she got a second chance and still chose to follow through the wedding??? Then the e third time she goes and does the same???
what??? ughhh fr I reallyyyyy hate the stories in which so called best friend steals no actually that man wasn’t hers to begin with like tf and if we put the same bitch friend in FL’s shoes she’d go insane also if touching people helps her to see their memory did she not use it for info and planning stuff??
She died multiple times for nothing ??? And she didn’t do anything in those countless reincarnated thinggy??? This is just another “strong-described” FL but actually useless and stupid type.
Don’t tell me her killer is the ml lol this is insane
I agree with aidnad. Y’all can’t read. It expressly says that she attempted different scenarios and arrived at the same end. Poisoned, a fire, etc. Even if the deaths were murders, why assume it was all the same person? Why would you assume that it was someone specific out to get you and not just some recurring fate where you have to get it right to win?
You guys are dumb af, she tried so many different scenarios but kept coming out with the same ending she obviously thought it was just the inevitable outcome, some of you shouldn’t be allowed to form your own opinions, you shit on a story then continue reading it and keep shitting on it like someone’s forcing you to read
Sooo how many deaths where there,
Because if there was a lot like I think there is than she really is an idiot. well at least she tried escaping 🤷 most fl wouldn’t even think that.
She made so many bad choices.
…..she didn’t noticed her death were murders????? Is she stupid??? Why the fuck did she got a second chance and still chose to follow through the wedding??? Then the e third time she goes and does the same???
what??? ughhh fr I reallyyyyy hate the stories in which so called best friend steals no actually that man wasn’t hers to begin with like tf and if we put the same bitch friend in FL’s shoes she’d go insane also if touching people helps her to see their memory did she not use it for info and planning stuff??
Interesting my ass. It’s just another boring endless reincarnation of a loser story.
She died multiple times for nothing ??? And she didn’t do anything in those countless reincarnated thinggy??? This is just another “strong-described” FL but actually useless and stupid type.
Who loves manga
Hmmm … interesting