BEO PEOPLE ARE STILL CONFUSED ABOUT THE REVENGE PART?? ITS OBVIOUSLY STILL APART OF HER PLAN BFR😭 did y’all not remember when she said “I’ve won” the whole reason she tried to move he parents to another country is so when she starts her revenge for real he won’t have anything against her
Awww ladies that’s a great man right there. He acknowledged his wrongdoings and is willing to move forward. 💓💓💓 Get yourselves someone like Fu Shenxing
I’m not understanding who’s translating this. literally nothing makes sense and i feel like we keep missing panels.
BEO PEOPLE ARE STILL CONFUSED ABOUT THE REVENGE PART?? ITS OBVIOUSLY STILL APART OF HER PLAN BFR😭 did y’all not remember when she said “I’ve won” the whole reason she tried to move he parents to another country is so when she starts her revenge for real he won’t have anything against her
Say sorry to your mother for giving you a birth you suckered scum bastard go burn in hell i hope you shit blood
bro literally sait sorry bro.. there is no sorry for what you did
Awww ladies that’s a great man right there. He acknowledged his wrongdoings and is willing to move forward. 💓💓💓 Get yourselves someone like Fu Shenxing
Don’t hate me, but it would be nice if it went on like this 🤠
Bangchans rubber duck
What is this random fluff in the middle of this dark series 🤠
I’m so confused HELPP😭 what ever happened to revenge?? Her husband?? The past?? Hellooo like?
The new law
What happened? Did her plan fail or did a part of it fail?