then (princess and Prince’s speaking)
소백작의 딸을 이런 식으로 공개ㅡ하다니
To reveal CountesS’s daughter like this, in this way—
지금까지 감추려고 용을쓴 게 이거였냐고!
Was this the thing you used dragons(big power) to hide until now?!
그런데, 소백작은 딱히 안 보이는데?
By the way, I can’t really see the CountesS?
아버지가 평생 열등감을 가진, 클레멘트 오흐리드 백작.
Earl Clement Ohrid, whose father has had an inferiority complex all his life.
그리고 그의 유일한 후게자인 필리파 오흐리드 소백작!
And his only successor, Countess Philippa Ohrid!
저 아이, 필리파의 팔인 거야
That child is Philippa’s arm. (*extension or branch)
then (princess and Prince’s speaking)
소백작의 딸을 이런 식으로 공개ㅡ하다니
To reveal CountesS’s daughter like this, in this way—
지금까지 감추려고 용을쓴 게 이거였냐고!
Was this the thing you used dragons(big power) to hide until now?!
그런데, 소백작은 딱히 안 보이는데?
By the way, I can’t really see the CountesS?
아버지가 평생 열등감을 가진, 클레멘트 오흐리드 백작.
Earl Clement Ohrid, whose father has had an inferiority complex all his life.
그리고 그의 유일한 후게자인 필리파 오흐리드 소백작!
And his only successor, Countess Philippa Ohrid!
저 아이, 필리파의 팔인 거야
That child is Philippa’s arm. (*extension or branch)
I wanna know more about Herman
The fuck with this translation.