yeeeaaahhh i think i hate her mothers family? i see exactly why she ran away from them. its a bit gross how they dont have any self reflection as to WHY filipa ran away, like idk man, maybe its pulling gross shit like making diana unable to meet with the guardian who saved her life? or maybe its the way you guys are so happily willing to play with the lives and engagements of /children/ to appease your own bullshit sense of guilt. fuck off and die, i hope diana ditches these worthless assholes
Ahhh that’s why.. still i feel so bad for her
yeeeaaahhh i think i hate her mothers family? i see exactly why she ran away from them. its a bit gross how they dont have any self reflection as to WHY filipa ran away, like idk man, maybe its pulling gross shit like making diana unable to meet with the guardian who saved her life? or maybe its the way you guys are so happily willing to play with the lives and engagements of /children/ to appease your own bullshit sense of guilt. fuck off and die, i hope diana ditches these worthless assholes
That’s really an ass move to cancel naturalization of those kids.