@lalaela “Common sense” from a nine yr old who’s been poisoned by this girl for who knows how long? Who’s been living in an abandoned shack with little human contact and no human kindness? The fact that he trusted her to keep her promise in the first place is breathtaking.
Also, you’ve never made a promise with a kid before, have you? They very much do not care what prevented you from keeping it.
@lalaela “Common sense” from a nine yr old who’s been poisoned by this girl for who knows how long? Who’s been living in an abandoned shack with little human contact and no human kindness? The fact that he trusted her to keep her promise in the first place is breathtaking.
Also, you’ve never made a promise with a kid before, have you? They very much do not care what prevented you from keeping it.
She told u the very beginning that she gets beat up if she doesnt follow the witch. Wtf do you think would happen if she HELPS YOU? Common sense pls 💀