AHAHAHHA HE FELL HARDD LMAOOOOO. (yes this still fits with my demi headcanon, I’m not going to explain, just don’t fight me on this) BE FR DUDE. She’s good at art – wife material, yessir.
NOMNOMNOM. That sandwich looks nice.
I like this already. But won’t the countess be accused, not the count? Men-ruling world, and he “hAs mOrE eXpErIeNcE”.
That’s one solid sandwich
So cute 🥰
AHAHAHHA HE FELL HARDD LMAOOOOO. (yes this still fits with my demi headcanon, I’m not going to explain, just don’t fight me on this) BE FR DUDE. She’s good at art – wife material, yessir.
NOMNOMNOM. That sandwich looks nice.
I like this already. But won’t the countess be accused, not the count? Men-ruling world, and he “hAs mOrE eXpErIeNcE”.
Mans asked a married woman out to dinner after her divorce with her husband frfr😂
this man wants to marry his idol 😂