When I Quit Being A Wicked Mother-in-law, Everyone Became Obsessed With Me - Chapter 84

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“I murder People because you’re a slut!”
Ah. The whole, “if you hadn’t been a cheating man whore, I wouldn’t have gone psycho” excuse. It’s a fair reasoning if I’m honest. Marriage may be a legal agreement for nobles, but vows are vows. Love or not, that thing between your legs isn’t yours anymore.
You reasoning is also weird, You cant kill inocent people ,destroy whole families, kill someone else parents just because Your husband cheated on You once. Besides 1. It was normal for hight nobles to have concubines, 2 Where is explanation of this case, what happened, what was they relationship and soo on. Want to take revenge , do something to the one who cheated not to inocent people
The problem, as I see it, is that she’s only killing perhipherally involved people who cross her son.
If she’d killed the other prince, there’d be literally nothing in her way…