When I Quit Being A Wicked Mother-in-law, Everyone Became Obsessed With Me - Chapter 75

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Thats currently the issue now and a misconception
that baron family had no ties to any of what anything that happend with the murders fake gold etc they just abused lilliana so there would be no traces of their involvement tfor that to even come to light….prince just used bitchy girl as a pretext of having bloodties and made her lie that is all
and as i said with previous spoilers its deviating a bit from NOVEL but the bigest key still is to come
Being MC and OG anneriche meeting…..to make it cleared MC only has her own memories about the novel she read in past life……so she does not know the past till OG anneriche shows her and moves on fully
this involves…..real reason annerich was married to balua…it was all a ploy from empress from the start
OG anneriche being a bitch was pretty much all an act……as she did not want to be used as a puppet for empress wich her parents worked with…..so she did what she did so she had no real power to do anything
reason why OG has no reasons to return is even after she tried to mend and tell the truth…..nobody would give her even a second to talk it was really too late no matter what she tried from trying to conect to her son to starting to work as duchess…..she saw all from the inside MC did and was content seeing them all happy
Again, no one is questioning why the corruption didn’t come out when the Baluas were punishing Lilianne’s abusers??? This whole fucking thing is a circus and it’s insanely insulting that the author expects us to just go along with utter bullshit.
The motivation for multiple murders being the prince’s clear one-sided love for Louis is also absolutely insane.
did say it on previous chapter aswell but kinda safe to say its slightly different from novel
so SPOILERS i suppose from what i remember
empress was mastermind behind fake gold wich included MC parents not just brother(can still happen)…she actually instantly lashed out at idiot son in NOVEL for putting the gold into the public paying servants,vassels etc with them
for reason i said above hard to say……but this last to basicly end of main story in NOVEL first the girl prince uses get caught trown in jail tried to poison lilliane but MC steps infront and gets poisoned instead..
has some sort of fever dream while unconsious from poison meeting OG anneriche as she always feared OG might return and claim her place again wich is why she was just making her return easier by correcting her flaws and able to be independant….OG just shows her the past MC dont got OG memories of and tells her MC is free to live as her she has no reasons to return
poison gets retraced to the idiot prince same for evidence how lillianas parents die…..(depite the deviation hard to say but empress also was dethroned for the fake gold and background involvement in the deads)….so will have to see what will happenon this part
2nd prince became emperor with the backing of Balua as emperor stepped down in regret it all happend under his nose
MC family lost title etc and imprisoned title and teritory was given to MC..(Future daughter Beatrice sidestories would enherit it)… as elliot and lilliana would be future duke and duchess
thats about how it went about in NOVEL minus between details….so as its deviating some will have to wait and see whats ggonna happen
If the empress knows her son is this deprived, why doesn’t she do anythiong about it? She’s just going to watch the entire country burn?
Gonna assume you mean “depraved”…
Simple answer would be “she’s evil too”.
I think this will be resolved soon. I asume prince will blow out in public and he basicly will impich himself.