When I Quit Being A Wicked Mother-in-law, Everyone Became Obsessed With Me - Chapter 2

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Sora! (average scaramouche simp)
“Oh heeeyyy darliiinnngggg… Y’know how past me begged to have your child and then proceeded to neglect said child? Yeah, well, instead of apologising first, how ’bout I bring in an unrelated kid you probably had no prior knowledge of to marry said neglected child?!”
Idk, she should have said sorry first, made an attempt at showing she was sorry, and talked about adopting og fl after they warmed up to her? Then again, og fl would have to suffer a bit longer, so i would like a better option. (preferably with communication)
I’m sharing your thoughts. How many drugs was the writer on to think this would make a sympathetic and likable protagonist?
Sora! (average scaramouche simp)
Just drop this. I dont like this fml. She doesnt try to solve the problem of her family but bring a stranger in her house to love her and to show others that she is the good one ????? while her son still missed the mother’s care and be abandoned by his mother in 7 years????? Wtf. My brain breaks…… dont need to know the process later, just stop.
ahhh stupid fls make me feel so smart
I hope it’s only the translation and not the plot that’s out of place
Now I remember why I dropped this before. MC is dumb as bricks and wants to fix her family relationships by going to a completely unrelated person and shoving to their faces “Here’s your fiancee/DIL! See? I’m a good person I swear!”. Like, of all the shitty plans I’ve read from OI manhwa, this is definitely up there as one of the shittiest.
That was so random, what is she even going to tell her husband and son? Like what was her reason for even looking for Liliana in the first place? Girl is so short-sighted
Marco R
Bruh her mouth she is dumb i think
And she’s so talkative lol,..she said a lot..?? can’t you keep it a secret for now
Eh, it’s the time of history where she could lie her face off and say there was an marriage arrangement with Liliana’s dead parents at like birth.
fiancee????? I thought that was decided LATER in the kids lives when they come of age to marry????
is it the translation or is this story just missing a few details???
ig she should ask her son before deciding anything
Buset dah kebanyakan dialog mikirnya.. harusnya itu dikesampingin dulu
pls upload 20
Go girl,get those money grabbing fools.