well, they pointed out that she had no where else to go, her family sold her to the temple at the age of 12 and it’s not like she had the resources at the temple to learn a second trade unless you want her to go live as a bar maid, getting groped and potentially graped out in town? She has no skills and is restricted from learning more, is being held down to this situation with only worse options available. She’s not stupid (having knowledge and not using it) She’s naive (has no knowledge to improve her situation) She’s like a child without a teacher
Well, why would you? I guess self-worth isn’t something you have, right? After being raped and losing your powers as a result, well you are well aware that you’ve been set up, yet to want to remain in the castle? That ain’t someone with a brain will do. Very unrealistic.
Then now being offered—to be his fiancée’, don’t tell me you’ll agree with your legs wide open? Don’t make dumb mistakes one after the other. If that’s the case, why not get employment in a brothel where you can get all the d*cks stuffed into you everyday.
I hope she embraces her witch power, so far it makes things wither?
well, they pointed out that she had no where else to go, her family sold her to the temple at the age of 12 and it’s not like she had the resources at the temple to learn a second trade unless you want her to go live as a bar maid, getting groped and potentially graped out in town? She has no skills and is restricted from learning more, is being held down to this situation with only worse options available. She’s not stupid (having knowledge and not using it) She’s naive (has no knowledge to improve her situation) She’s like a child without a teacher
she really was a saint cuz she ain’t doing nothing bout her situation 😭
Well, why would you? I guess self-worth isn’t something you have, right? After being raped and losing your powers as a result, well you are well aware that you’ve been set up, yet to want to remain in the castle? That ain’t someone with a brain will do. Very unrealistic.
Then now being offered—to be his fiancée’, don’t tell me you’ll agree with your legs wide open? Don’t make dumb mistakes one after the other. If that’s the case, why not get employment in a brothel where you can get all the d*cks stuffed into you everyday.
uhmm, who r*ped you girl? aren’t you curious? 🧐
blubis thebest
Say yes girl this is a once in a lifetime moment
So she just worked for the criminals who did that to her? She didn’t try to brutally murder them? Not even a little bit?
Godd - damitD
This was all planned by her ex if he didn’t want to be with her just say so u a**👿
Girl get your man and revenge
Yes, yes please