Nickii_ So she got to speak her peace on how she felt but HE didn’t get a chance. Now he’s literally going to find a way to die just so she can live peacefully. Umm I think not 🥺 October 12, 2022 at 4:17 am Log in to Reply
FaeBreeze I feel like he’s dumb, but I feel so bad for him… February 17, 2022 at 10:41 pm Log in to Reply
Deeeee Damn… Now your’e making me feel bad for the man who ignored her all these years? October 1, 2021 at 10:26 am Log in to Reply
Athanasia This damn story! Too many misunderstanding ? Have a heart-to-heart talk ? October 1, 2021 at 5:24 am Log in to Reply
let him explain like you did, what the heck? 😭
So she got to speak her peace on how she felt but HE didn’t get a chance. Now he’s literally going to find a way to die just so she can live peacefully. Umm I think not 🥺
I feel like he’s dumb, but I feel so bad for him…
Damn… Now your’e making me feel bad for the man who ignored her all these years?
This damn story! Too many misunderstanding ?
Have a heart-to-heart talk ?