Ok you didn’t bully her brother but you are part of a bully group and you can’t expect me to believe that you never took part in this.. which means i still don’t like you
If you experience being bullied, seek help. Don’t let other break you or between you and your family relationship ?. If your family is not helping, there’s always a hotline care. Police station. Teachers. Bestie. ?
My experience ::
I used to be bullied, then i became a bully ? but don’t attack me, i only bully for justice (lol Villainess) then later on i became a better version of myself.
Anyway I had the chance to change(develop) , because i moved school multiple times . And I enter college pretty early, I get where I am because i work hard. Change your path now, do things you like, please finish school. Don’t do things you’ll regret in the future. But if you think it’s worth it, then go for it. Patience, knowledge, plan and bravery is key. I’m typin this, cause I know someone out there need this funny story of mine, to at least open a new path or made their day. Or its just me wanting to vent. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Ok you didn’t bully her brother but you are part of a bully group and you can’t expect me to believe that you never took part in this.. which means i still don’t like you
If you experience being bullied, seek help. Don’t let other break you or between you and your family relationship ?. If your family is not helping, there’s always a hotline care. Police station. Teachers. Bestie. ?
My experience ::
I used to be bullied, then i became a bully ? but don’t attack me, i only bully for justice (lol Villainess) then later on i became a better version of myself.
Anyway I had the chance to change(develop) , because i moved school multiple times . And I enter college pretty early, I get where I am because i work hard. Change your path now, do things you like, please finish school. Don’t do things you’ll regret in the future. But if you think it’s worth it, then go for it. Patience, knowledge, plan and bravery is key. I’m typin this, cause I know someone out there need this funny story of mine, to at least open a new path or made their day. Or its just me wanting to vent. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)