So I got spoiled that of vio was in relationship with many men behind of ml’s back and then finally decided to break up with her with when couldn’t take it and in the end commited suiside on his and Shannon’s wedding day
So why was these facts not mentioned by MC or were they absent from novel too?
Not say of ml was any good he is egoistic and doesn’t respect MC’s wishes when she says she wants to move on
Spoilers —
So I got spoiled that of vio was in relationship with many men behind of ml’s back and then finally decided to break up with her with when couldn’t take it and in the end commited suiside on his and Shannon’s wedding day
So why was these facts not mentioned by MC or were they absent from novel too?
Not say of ml was any good he is egoistic and doesn’t respect MC’s wishes when she says she wants to move on
God I forgot how ugly he is 💀
get out of the story you wishy washy jerk
Piss off dukeshit
bruh, the second male lead always looks better.
Ikr he’s looks ???