While og novel sounds interesting it’s also horrifying and sad seeing from Enrica’s point of view. Like imagine you’ve been getting exploited by your family your whole life to the point they’ve technically sucked out your whole magic/energy. And when you even hope a little to be live a little better life as a married woman, you get killed by your husband on your first night and sick fre//aks are more invested in the villain who killed her and is like “oOo yOu dIdN’t eVeN fLiNcHed aFtEr WiTnEsSing a mUrDer? INtErEsTing.” Right after seeing her maid’s reaction to her murder… 😕
@Lightning-Kun right?? Like I’d love such a romance, I see the appeal of it. They don’t even have to have a happy ending to get me hookec. heck I’ve even created one, in my mind ofc…
I also like how for the first time the og players/readers don’t feel like idiots. Usually they’re depected as totally ignorant/ unsympathetic towards a side character that was tortured in the most brutal way when its done by the male lead or something. But in this case it’s not the leads that murdered her, but the villains, and you accept them to do so, so it feels more realistic of people to forget. Still i would like it more if og readers/ players when encountered with a lead killing someone, would actually show some common sense and not like it, i know this isn’t completely related to the topic here but i wanted to talk about it. You know what I mean, lol?
oh I like og novel concept! villain n villainess pair even I’d be interested in them more than leads can’t blame the audience and saw it coming he tricked her the moment she mention him being needlessly handsome I like the art as well
While og novel sounds interesting it’s also horrifying and sad seeing from Enrica’s point of view. Like imagine you’ve been getting exploited by your family your whole life to the point they’ve technically sucked out your whole magic/energy. And when you even hope a little to be live a little better life as a married woman, you get killed by your husband on your first night and sick fre//aks are more invested in the villain who killed her and is like “oOo yOu dIdN’t eVeN fLiNcHed aFtEr WiTnEsSing a mUrDer? INtErEsTing.” Right after seeing her maid’s reaction to her murder… 😕
Is it bad that I’d actually like to read the original story she’s talking about. Sounds like the perfect villain couple story I’ve been looking for~
Both leads are extremely beautiful, such a eye candy for readers, the story too is intriguing, I love it when MLS are villains
*you expect them to do so
@Lightning-Kun right?? Like I’d love such a romance, I see the appeal of it. They don’t even have to have a happy ending to get me hookec. heck I’ve even created one, in my mind ofc…
I also like how for the first time the og players/readers don’t feel like idiots. Usually they’re depected as totally ignorant/ unsympathetic towards a side character that was tortured in the most brutal way when its done by the male lead or something. But in this case it’s not the leads that murdered her, but the villains, and you accept them to do so, so it feels more realistic of people to forget. Still i would like it more if og readers/ players when encountered with a lead killing someone, would actually show some common sense and not like it, i know this isn’t completely related to the topic here but i wanted to talk about it. You know what I mean, lol?
oh I like og novel concept! villain n villainess pair even I’d be interested in them more than leads can’t blame the audience and saw it coming he tricked her the moment she mention him being needlessly handsome I like the art as well