so Gullible , he is to easy to fool , this bitch even ain’t that much of cunning , is those people that are way to easy lol , MC was also dumb for believeing in her , at last she know now , but this guy 😒😒how can he be the Commander ? He is to Gullible
reasons Garett is a commander: face, swordskill, bloodline, they wanted someone young
reason one should be a commander: ability to lead, able to make connections, able to make RATIONAL decisions and put emotions ASIDE for a while so as to not be used and bamboozled, swordskill
So clearly this guy saw this blonde b*tch real personality and he just bypasses it I’ve never met a stupider man in my entire life she’s playing you like a damn puppet and you don’t even notice😒
so boys and girls, let us now empty our dictionary for rude and unpleasant words to describe this B***H and give our congrats to our dear lua
Alexandre Schihann
so Gullible , he is to easy to fool , this bitch even ain’t that much of cunning , is those people that are way to easy lol , MC was also dumb for believeing in her , at last she know now , but this guy 😒😒how can he be the Commander ? He is to Gullible
reasons Garett is a commander: face, swordskill, bloodline, they wanted someone young
reason one should be a commander: ability to lead, able to make connections, able to make RATIONAL decisions and put emotions ASIDE for a while so as to not be used and bamboozled, swordskill
So clearly this guy saw this blonde b*tch real personality and he just bypasses it I’ve never met a stupider man in my entire life she’s playing you like a damn puppet and you don’t even notice😒