Lol nice holding back because I would have .slapped her and gave her a disease so painful she’d pass out for a week at least. I wonder if Lua can give multiple illnesses to one person, would have been a great time to test it on this psycho. And to think I felt sorry for her thinking she was his real fiance and being neglected
it’s marvelous how the author paints the dark side of all these villains, they are not only bad and cruel, but dancing between psyco and crazyness too!,
i would have slapped the shit out her happy ass if she talked to me like that
Damn she’s a crazy yandere
I want that bitch to die, shes crazy asf💀
Oh shit shes a psycho 😳 😬
Welp ur sweetheart will take care of her 🙃🙃🙃
i would have slapped her silly for insulting me, then brought out my shotgun when she insulted my mother
Lol nice holding back because I would have .slapped her and gave her a disease so painful she’d pass out for a week at least. I wonder if Lua can give multiple illnesses to one person, would have been a great time to test it on this psycho. And to think I felt sorry for her thinking she was his real fiance and being neglected
Oh so she’s delusional, I see
it’s marvelous how the author paints the dark side of all these villains, they are not only bad and cruel, but dancing between psyco and crazyness too!,
aaaand we have a circle.
Oh boy….