woof. come to think of it, she’s probably gotten picked by the palace every year and now she’s gotten screwed out of her position without any notice. there’s no way it wouldn’t be interpreted as a slight against her, and if she’s bonkers yonkers and thought that her nomination was because the prince liked her… yikes!
I’m glad it didn’t take forever to figure that put, call your guard back in. How is this just between princesses when the song will be played for the people so its not a hidden secret or anything
this “saint-less” rose princesse is probably intoxicated by the back-flash of divine power.. she remind me Gollum.. 😀 and she already deserve lady Lua cure!!!
I kinda hope she is just angry because of the rumors about Lua, and will become an ally after learning the truth. Probably one with a one-sided love for Sven or Cezee but an ally still.
Pretty sure her hair is a dead giveaway, too🙂
Amelia Marie
Sweet but a psycho playing again
Simply a passerby
Told ya
I knew it!! Her hair looked similar to the maid
Oh this bish is crazy
woof. come to think of it, she’s probably gotten picked by the palace every year and now she’s gotten screwed out of her position without any notice. there’s no way it wouldn’t be interpreted as a slight against her, and if she’s bonkers yonkers and thought that her nomination was because the prince liked her… yikes!
I’m glad it didn’t take forever to figure that put, call your guard back in. How is this just between princesses when the song will be played for the people so its not a hidden secret or anything
this “saint-less” rose princesse is probably intoxicated by the back-flash of divine power.. she remind me Gollum.. 😀 and she already deserve lady Lua cure!!!
I kinda hope she is just angry because of the rumors about Lua, and will become an ally after learning the truth. Probably one with a one-sided love for Sven or Cezee but an ally still.
Can’t wait 4 the pain that this sh*+ will get☺️
Use your powers on her!
Oh fuck