yknow what? respect! she did not rat out the maid! yeah we could see from OUR angle that it’s a heinous bitch who did it on purpose, but chagirl has no clue about that. she would have risked getting a random person in trouble who might have had no idea some poor soul was there to be soaked. she looked out for her fellow peon and sided with them against upper management. respect on the name
Amelia Marie
Why TF is the older brother such a wee arsehole, like he’s autistic and never learned how to be a descent human being with empathy
Sorry Im evil
Aha I take back my last comment the brothers are to alike in name and looks just my opinion 😅
I want to chew on her hair to be honest
I do really like his fiance. And her hair, too. Not many manga/manwha characters have super bright green hair anymore
I wished she could have revived her family’s name and honor.
yknow what? respect! she did not rat out the maid! yeah we could see from OUR angle that it’s a heinous bitch who did it on purpose, but chagirl has no clue about that. she would have risked getting a random person in trouble who might have had no idea some poor soul was there to be soaked. she looked out for her fellow peon and sided with them against upper management. respect on the name
i don’t like when they do this, this chapter was so uneventful and they end on the interesting part 😭
At least his fiancee seems like a good person. Tbe he looks like the guy that dumps his hardworking fiancee for some random chick in isekai