Wow, a non toxic royal family who actually cared for each other. It would appear that even their King father cared for ML as well; hence he wanted the 2nd son to be the CP instead to relieve ML off the burden he was carrying.
I Llike how the ml’s brother isn’t someone who only thirsts 4 the throne, but rather cares ab the ml n wishes 2 see the ml better state than he used 2 be
Wow, a non toxic royal family who actually cared for each other. It would appear that even their King father cared for ML as well; hence he wanted the 2nd son to be the CP instead to relieve ML off the burden he was carrying.
Everyone’s love for Roy is so precious😭💕
Haha it’d be a good thing
I Llike how the ml’s brother isn’t someone who only thirsts 4 the throne, but rather cares ab the ml n wishes 2 see the ml better state than he used 2 be