Untouchable Lady - Chapter 94
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more and more, i find that i don’t think i’m rooting for anybody in this story, and i’m kind of sad about it. all i want is for bad things to happen to the shittiest most selfish people. i don’t want anyone to win, i just want some of them to lose. i’m not sure hilise is likeable. basically everything she does is this detached vague self-interest, understandably so, but it’s still not cute. i don’t get why anyone likes her enough to stick their necks out for her. she’s just… boring. she feels like an ocean tide of unstoppable natural force with no emotions, just bringing a quiet death to any she pulls under. that’s not a character. i wish the story were different. i wish the people in it were better. i wish any of them were three dimensional. i wish i could enjoy this story in any way other than sadism, but there just isn’t a way to do that. think i’m dropping. there’s nothing for me here
Omg!,, Axion!
Aaaaaannnnd Christian has gone mad
Dude, try becoming a better person first. Maybe then she’ll look at you. Course, I say this because I know it’s impossible for you 🙃
He’s so delulu 🙄🙄😒 as if she would look even at your general direction