Untouchable Lady - Chapter 80
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Teukros the Chivalrous
Head, Leader, Commander. Why dont call them just Lord or Lady, aren’t they of noble blood?
lmao!! the butlers really be going through hell in every household i really feel bad for them
Update na
Ok, I want to point this out because this is kinda funny to me. Christian was first introduced as one of the antangonist and one source of fl’s trauma. Like a cool villain guy.
But they are basically bullying him so I see him more like a comedic relief.
First, fl uses him to go into the garden and get out and leaves him hanging.
Ml does the same thing and also beat the crap out of him in the process.
Now, fl casually goes into his house and destroy shit.
Parvenon family history boom! Lol
Bored. Just get to the point already
Commander!?!??? Doctor?!?!?