Untouchable Lady - Chapter 68
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Oh dear. I hope the story has a satisfying ending still … and I really hope the TL gets better but that might be just wishful thinking.
I google translated the last message (which is very inaacurate ;w;) but I’m really sad rn :<
“Hello, this is Doo-Sik Yong, who was in charge of the adaptation/continuity. Unfortunately, I would like to say hello to you as I am leaving for the last time with episode 68.
To the original author who wrote such a wonderful work, to our team members who made the webtoon together, and to the readers who have been with us up to this point.
Thank you very much. It’s a pity that I can’t directly work on the ending of the characters who are intertwined with Hillis, but I plan to be with you until the end as a reader.
I would be grateful if you could all be together until then. And I hope to see you again with another good image. Have a nice day everyone.
Hope it doesn’t change the story too much…
I hope so
I understood that DragonHead will stop after n°68 the adaptation/(graphic?).. and so on
after somebody said :
“his (job), has well been passed/delivered/,,, ”
“Who’s the next??”
<> (다음
새로운 각색 담당 짜아옵니다)
I translated the message, it seems that the original writer is saying goodbye and from the next chapter, we will have a new adaptation.
The translation is confusing..
Are they changing screenwriter?