Untouchable Lady - Chapter 53
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yeah its a flash back lol violetta went blind because of the monster attack… now shes not because queen gorl killed that beast
She suffers so much? Like Seriously!! 7 Lives and she just suffers more and more ! I hope she get happy end in this life?
For the last panel to make sense, I’ll have to wait for next chapter.
These are flashbacks from her 5th life, for anyone who was just as confused as me and then realized the whole thing was a flashback lol
I thought the story was going to reveal they were lovers in one of her lives.
In short, Violetta felt guilty because she saw a part of Hilise’s past, and knew that she just suffered so much… But Axion couldn’t understand the depth of both her guilt and Hilise’s suffering at that time ????
It has become more confusing and tedious more after the drawing style has changed IMP I’m dropping it
Just because of that? such wonderful story, and because you couldn’t understand it a little you want to drop it?
villainous Empress Yulia
I’m not crying you’re crying ??????
I’m crying
She waited for a full year to save her
What the heck