Untouchable Lady - Chapter 52
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cresie bowman
I come to comment to understand all of it, my head hurts ????
So the twist turns out to be that Axion will remember his past lives too? AH THAT WOULD HURT LIKE A B*TCH
Also trashy brother why don’t you just die
She’s the reincarnation of their first lord and they killed her and took her powers between the 4 families
She will remember their betrayal and he will remember her past life and probably help her
Maybe she doesn’t want him to remember the past because she plans on dying in the end due to exhaustion caused by the past lives.. who wouldn’t? Those modapakas broke her repeatedly…
wtf just happened?
I think she doesnt want him to remember her at her lowest and I mean I get that, but its sad they never ended up together in any life.
but why doesn’t she want him to remember tho
Idk if it’s just the artstyle but the Kind suspiciously look so much like Hilise for some reason. They also have the same gold eyes. Hmm I wonder what’s going on
yuumi is bored
If you look at the older chapters they also look similar. Probably intended
Omgee..black boy saved her in her past.
Im sorry-
that sounded rlly racist without context.
villainous Empress Yulia
Holy shit?