Untouchable Lady - Chapter 45
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Is that sailormoon? 🤣
Well, how do you feel about the spouse (That knows whats happening) of a person who sexually abuses their child? bc I feel hate for Gabrielle
i’m so mixed with gabrielle rn. yeah sure she didnt do any direct evil towards hilisie but the fact that SHE is often the reason why the dad and brother are mean to hilisie because of her stupid actions makes me hate her so much (especially the 7th death of hilisie)
Plus, she keeps boasting to people that hilisie is her dear sister but did she even consider hilisie a dear sister in her previous lives? no, smh for the airhead gabrille.
The f-ed up thing is that all these trash family members could save themselves if they would just act right. But I appreciate that they stay trash. The don’t need to confuse anyone by improving at this point.
Is Hilise just going to drink the wine other people put in her cup??? because it’s prime opportunity to fucking poison her holy fuck
Gabrielle is detestable, the other guy tries to comfort her and the first thing she does is mock him?
She needs to learn how to be a proper human being smh
I know Hilise hate her , because all her family’s love , care and affection was all given to Gaberiel . His brother told her to die because Gabriel. And she didn’t treat Hilise well because nobody in her care about Hilise .
She’s more like a child , acting all cute n all , and she’s empty head but she’s not evil like Hilise’s father and never did anything worst to Hilise like her brother.
I still don’t like her . She’s the reason of Hilise’s seventh life misery .
Go find some information – make urself useful to Hillise to protect your standing and position.