Untouchable Lady - Chapter 1
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what kind of bastard tells his sister to die wtf
Im_into romance
Ok first chapter. Total badass I love her already
she died for seven times doesnt mean it doesnt hurt you trashbag,,
He didn’t seem to believe her about the regression and was just using what she told him to try to convince her…. sad when ppl you love use you and don’t think about the suffering they are putting you through. That’s why you should throw away the idea of smiling and putting up with unfair treatment, do what you have to but don’t let ppl get away with forcing you to be happy about it, that smiling face is for them not for you, they’ll tell you to fake it to be excepted, don’t do it! It’s a trope that is bad for everyone. “She’s so beautiful, it’s amazing how she still smiles so brightly even thru all the hardship she’s suffered” Toxic!
Took you so long to come to that conclusion 🤦
LITREALLY hate the brother already. Just because she can repeat her life doesn’t mean she isn’t a human being that still feels emotions and pain.
Tf is wrong with the brother
what hell is going on? he wants his sister to die. man this story is crazy
wtf he said
Trash brother
Danny Zuniga