Under the Oak Tree - Chapter 74
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I agree with @S-t-S lately everything is toxic 🙄 Riftan is only worried about Maxi, and to be honest, she gives plenty of reasons for that.
Amelia Marie
I also agree with @spring and summer
I agree with spring and summer, maxi needs to be able to become her own person, capable of standing on her own two feet. Agnes helps her do just that in the novel, even if she has her own priorities, she still genuinely cares about Maxi and wants to empower her.
As of now, Riftan just wants to keep Maxi in a glass case, and thinks he can just GIVE her things (decadence) to make her happy. Maxi needs the time and space to become a person she herself can be proud of and satisfied in her own ability to provide in some way for her people. Riftan already has respect and the power to protect and provide for others, there’s nothing wrong with Maxi wanting the same, especially since she wants it to be able to stand equal to her partner.
Spring and Summer
@S-t-S I didn’t answer your question because you moved from a topic to a different topic.
Anyway, I find you biased towards ML but there’s nothing I can do about it. And no ML is toxic. He may love her but too much love and overprotectiveness aren’t good. FL isn’t a senior to be closed in a room for her “own good”. She’s a young lady and she’s not gonna learn or experience anything about the world if she stays locked up. You appear to believe women should onlt do whatever their husbands tell them and that they can’t or shouldn’t make decisions for themselves. I can tell you grew up with that mentality so sorry that I don’t buy your internalised misogyny.
@ Spring and Summer haha if you read that he said that because he was backed into a corner and was self deprecating…. He’s always taken the blame. He even took the blame for her killing their XXXX and for her having to leave him… NEITHER were his fault and BOTH were 100 her fault. Both caused by her insecurities. If you read the novel even currently her “pushing” herself hasn’t cured any of their marital issues or her insecurities… so, yeah. Pushing yourself to do something you aren’t good at doesn’t help marriages or your own self worth in fantasy land nor irl. Both get healed through time, love, affirmation, and communication! None of which can be done when separated 😉
So yeah tell me I don’t know the story 🤭
Apparently i both read it, and know what’s actually going on more than others 🤔
I’m just not caught up in “girl power” nor do I see a loving and faithful husband as toxic. I didn’t let 2023 pollute my mind… ppl wearing masks too long not letting their brain getting enough oxygen.
And I noticed you answered NONE of my questions or points. Nice strawman 🤪
Spring and Summer
Maxi needs people to push her to be the better version of yourself, but obviously to protect her too. But that’s the thing, take for example, Ruth. He is the one who pushed her to try to solve her speech problem. Ristan is the one that loves her the most but love is not always enough. (he doesn’t even understand she is insecure about it). Ruth is the type of person Maxi needs the most. A person who pushes her limits. To be better. To be the better version of yourself.
Spring and Summer
@S-t-S you just read my first comment again, I said all that needed to be said. And no riftan is overcontrolling and toxic. If you’ve read the novel then you know Riftan will admit he was OVERCONTROLLING and that was a bad influence on Maxi and that he was an obstacle for her to reach great things. Why are you reading this story if you don’t even care about FL? It appears you just want her to be a pretty doll inside the castle and stay like that. F that.
Go to festival
Don’t mind riftan lol
Had time to reflect. Now I’m more peeved 😆
The audacity to complain to a 3rd party about your spouse being “overprotective”… BECAUSE of your OWN naivety, even at the behest of their warning… and to do that to the person who admittedly is at fault for nearly killing you?!? 🤯
The one who nearly led to your demise… becomes your idol 😵💫
And the one who literally saved your life, by split seconds… rushing at full speed… and then nursed your back to health over several days… holding your limp and lifeless body…
That’s the “bad guy”, per a specific demographic of readers…
and the other is a “good person” via that same group?!? 🤦♂️ I just can’t.
Novel idea… why don’t you actually do the job assigned to you…
Develop Anatol.
Learn basic math so you don’t cripple the country financially
Speed up education and health care
🤦♂️ makes sooooo much sense. My husband is going to war, let me follow him… why? Bc I want to? If every wife followed their husband to war there would be no countries nor a reason for a husband to fight. One of the most illogical plot points in the series.
I have a job that could benefit the people…. Nah, let’s shirk our responsibilities and do “magic” bc it looks cool and fills up my insecurity tank that was caused by abuse 🤦♂️
@spring and summer. How has he been controlling? Letting her learn magic? Letting her do whatever she wants?
Do you understand what controlling is vs protecting?
So she’s been inside a few days bc she’s recovering. Would you call a doctor controlling bc he’s telling a patient to recover?
Evaluate the story? I’ve read the book. Trust me honey… Maxis insecurities lead her to fantasizing Agnes and idolizing her giving way to 1. The greatest heartache that will never recover in the story 2. The great split….
But yeahhhhh I need to reevaluate the story.
The issue isn’t riftan. The issue is Maxis insecurities and the fact she’s a victim of abuse. Anything else is projecting and not actually knowing the story 😉 nice gas lighting though
He should realize how terrifying he is. She only has him for support and he’s being an asshole
Spring and Summer
S-t-S if you can’t see how overcontrolling ML is then you should evaluate the story again
Spring and Summer
Thank God, Maxi has people that push her to be better, like Ruth or the princess. If they didn’t exist Maxi would have stayed depressed, swallowed in her low self-esteem.
Spring and Summer
Riftan is over controlling tho 💀 and Maxi may be naive but she’s not gonna change or improve as a person if she stays locked up in a castle. Obviously, she shouldn’t put her life at risk but being completely “locked up” is also not the solution either. Especially when she wants to DO something, deep inside she wants to be proud of herself. To do stuff. To contribute, to be better. Her husband takes all of that. That comment “Maybe I shouldn’t have let you learn magic” is stupid. He is really immature and he is always led by his emotions (for maxi).
Rinftan only wants her to be a pretty doll and nothing more and that’s quite toxic if you ask me.
“Stifling”… oh no, my husband almost witnessed me dying bc of my ignorance (along w his many warnings) and I wonder why he’s choking back tears and emotions… this hubris will lead to the two greatest heart breaks in the series and eventually a massive tear in the fandom of Maxi…
“Overprotective” a person who is trying to protect you for your own naivety is not controlling, they see you are unable to look after yourself. Like a senior citizen when family takes the keys away from them… it’s for their own good bc they can’t be objective. Also, don’t speak in a negative tone to a stranger.
Oh great, here comes bossy-Mc-selfish-pants to come in and tell Maxi what to do. I love the paradox that Agnes basically leads Maxi along like a puppet and Maxi idolizes her along w part of the fandom. Meanwhile Riftan just wants her safe and some people call him controlling 🤦♂️ I just can’t.
my name