Under the Oak Tree - Chapter 43
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Im_into romance
I need to find a man that looks at me like Ruth looks at fire🤭🤭
Fl you’re doing amazing sweetie keep gaining your confidence hun and you’ll be just fine. I feel like I’m watching the beginning stages of a powerful comeback.
This wicked academic finally has a victi-STUDENT! 😂
I’m dying, he’s definitely my favorite character. all hail ruth and dem thicc books
Ahh ty for update, Maxi is so cute I caaan’t <3
Poor Maxi gonna be waiting awhile before Riftan says that. I want to keep Ruth in my pocket dammit
Hand in marriage please, Sir Ruth
I seriously adore Ruth. He looked soo hot in those panels.
i kinda really like how magic works in this world? like im all for the magic that just springs from emotion or miracles or whatever the fuck, those def make for good dramatic moments but like
theres just something so interesting about magic being an advanced scientific-like subject thats difficult not because of innate talent but because its a fucking hard subject
like damn, i kinda wanna see more series’ that commit to this kind of image of magic (Ive seen a few similar ones but they always tend to go down the munchkin route fairly quickly with the ‘welp i have magic talent so im better than those nerds who studied’ thing)
((…lol as a nerd who studied, that might be why I like magic being presented like this))
You can do it
Super fast update! Thanks harimanga!
Though i don’t understand what ruth has been talking about. It seems a filler chapter. This chapter tried to show that maxi (and readers) confused with whole magic things.
Good luck ?? but it’s all for hearing the “I’m proud of you” it will be worth it qwq !! Or maybe a ” good girl “… I just remembered hak and yona ??