Tyrant wants a better life - chapter 9
You don't have anything in histories
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now I don’t want anyone absolutely anyone say she hates people her family her brother
the dad deserves separate place in hell
she doesn’t want to affect her brother life anymore probably trauma from past life
she wants to be away from him coz the dad loves the brother but not her
so this will always run in her mind and she’s quite young too physically she can’t do much about it
I hope she gets better family in future
She becoming concious about Theon but not about her brother love🥲.
As far as I can think it will be her brother who would have spread rumour about her sister being kidnapped. Otherwise no one there to care about her.
suffering doesnt need an age, just because she is now older doesnt mean that she has so conceal her pain and act kind towards her brother
she is in fact not behaving badly.towards him like in her past life and thats improvement
its juts that she wants a life without having to get to remember her past deeds
Alessiana said it well, she’s going to have a hard time getting over something THAT IS STILL HAPPENING TO HER! This distance will do her the most good. She can heal without having her wounds constantly rubbed with salt
“I’m alone even when I’m here” 🥲😭😭😭😩✊
idc about what yall are saying she dont deserve her brother
@Alessiana Yet, that isn’t a rational justification to act like what she is doing right now.
Don’t forget she was way past her teenage years my dear!!
She was probably in her 30s when she got executed in her previous life.
She was a warrior!
And then became an empress!!
She isn’t your average typical girl-next-door who has regressed like a few years back from her late teens or early twenties!!
Pay attention to her age and what she has gone through!
Going back to the day she was born on top of that!!!!!
It’s been too long!
She has had enough time to sort things out!
Yet, she acts like an immature, traumatized brat of no experience!
Nah, It’s NOT sane at all;
She definitely suffers from depression, PTSD and other mental disorders.
Otherwise her actions cannot be justified considering her past life adding up her second present life.
If she was a weak average girl she wouldn’t have gone to such extent in her life, tyrant or saint doesn’t matter.
What matters is mental strength, assertiveness and will.
She was a monarch with the strength to back it up.
What she didn’t have was vision and wisdom, not strength and the power to take everything into her hands.
This character has flaws in its development, definitely.
And it’s up to the author to make it right.
People be telling that FL hates the wrong person by being so ignorant towards her brother, but let me tell you what. She knows exactly that father is the reason of all her problems mostly. In the situation with Theon, there’s nobody to blame, she is well aware of this fact but it’s not like truth eases the pain. FL knows that she can be kinder and more patient with prince, but what for? For many years in her past life, she accumulated this hatred in herself, came to a new life with her and continued, silently, to endure injustice and painful memories. All alone. It’s like nothing really changed with regression. She is clearly tired of life and has no will to do anything with the situation. In this chapter we saw that she does not blame her brother for anything, in fact. But there is no place for affection and love either. She just can’t stand his presence next to her, because he is a walking, annoying reminder of all the shit that happened to her and is happening.
atp im reading just to find out if she ever repairs her ties with her brother tbh.
I really just want her to recognize and accept the affections of her brother. she craves for love so much that she quakes at the simple acts of kindness Theon shows her but completely disregards the sincere love her brother shows her coz of jealousy. Like she’s getting mad at the wrong person there. It’s not his fault that their dads a bias needlehead. imo I think their dad abuses him too; just a different kind of emotional abuse.
The reason she doesn’t resent her brother is because she killed him in her last live, the Emperor doesn’t really love him either, its just that for her brother is the heir and he has magic, if she was born a guy and had magic with her ambition and skills she would most likely have become a candidate or been in the running, but because she is to ambitious the Emperor had restricted her in her last live bij not letting her go to that school, so she grew so much resentment and became a tyrant, she still can’t stand it but this time she thinks its fair punishment for her last live
Another logic is: if the crown prince is highly favored by the trash emperor,why he’s sticking with his sister? Why not stay with the emperor all the time and act spoiled? Another logic: if the crown prince is love by the emperor,why the emperor did not listen to his plea when the duke poured some wine to the princess at the banquet? He’s not loved, he’s just an object. The only reason why the trash emperor good to his son is because,the trash emperor did not love the crown prince’s mother while the princess’ mother whom he loved the most died because of giving birth. He’s hatred towards the princess is not because of the crown prince but because of his ego, because he believed that his beloved died because of the princess. It’s better if the princess approach the crown prince and tell him her resentments. Theon hurt her in the past but she’s forgiving towards him(?). He chose death over her but why she have no resentments towards him?
I personally don’t like the fact that her brother acts all lovey dovey and tries to involve her in things where their father has clearly made known she’s not welcome to…you can legit see that your sister doesn’t enjoy the same privilege you do yet,you keep trying to get close to her like nothing’s wrong…. being innocent is fine but being naive and ignorant to her plight is like hand feeding her poison,her brother needs to stop rubbing his love in her face and get the demo that she wants to be left alone!😢🥺
Since her asshat of a father is beyond saving,I wouldn’t even acknowledge him 😏😒