Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 79
You don't have anything in histories
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Ugliest king dokja
The emperor continuous to deny his Kingdom is falling apart all he wants to do is prove that the royal family light bulb power is still going strong blah blah blah blah blah and he uses so much gold so much of the citizens taxes to buy flowers that are going extinct for his dead wife but to use the citizens tax to help disabled citizens to help living cost he refuses
you know honestly I thought if he wasn’t a good father at least he would at least be a good emperor but he’s a s***** father and a even s***** I emperor
She seriously doesn’t deserve him if she thinking of end all things with Ethan.
Ethan should leave all his feelings for her and go away far from these stupidity. Monica is even better suited for Ethan.
From here I want to root Monica and Ethan.
Leave Dorothy to marry Theon. She is better with him.
And Ethan should be with Monica or find another girl who will truly him him.
Ah this fl doesn’t deserve him
This wench is obsessed with that theon wtf just leave him already
Lmao FL is like a teenager. Why did she even question if Ethan “truly loves her”?????
He even turned back time for her.
He even offered the light power to her.
And she still questioned him?????????
For God’s sake “Ends Things with Ethan” 🤨 and the same soup with Theon is quite annoying!!She doesn’t love the current Theon but the past him…..Why She can’t remain single? It’s so difficult? 🙄
@Prospi agreed and thats what im saying about ethan. She’s confusing 🙄
After completely ignoring his feelings, then started giving mixed signals and now she talking about clearly end things without giving my boy a chance. Though ethan has already come to the conclusion that shed never like him that way its still kinda sad. I was glad she ended the obssession she had with theon but its kinda anoyying shes even considering wanting to marry him in her second life
What does she mean end things with ethan, why this girl always like this🫠