Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 76
You don't have anything in histories
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I love to hear these line but if he said in her fast life
@Dojaaaa what does that mean trash in which you are including Ethan. Just the way Dorothy accepted Theon req, the same way ethan accepted req of Monica to sort out matter with her. It was obviously a act to interfere with Theon confession. The way you calling him trash show your biased love toward only fl.
Fyi: I don’t mean to blame fl, I’m just mentioning both are in same situation but calling ethan trash, really show biased likeness towards a character. Ethan can feel jealous but when fl does, Ethan is trash by this @Dojaaa.
ahhh Dorothea, both are kinda trash, just be happy on your own, babes.
ok, get the fuck off bro.
If Theon really liked her, ve would have approached Dorothea before she showed the spirit of lights. He only wants the spirit of lights.
hewllll nawwww fawkk you
No you dont
Go die
I hate u
idk why. But i hate that black hair
shut up ang fuck off bro
Heh, ur too late. I won’t accept u for my girl
That doesn’t matter anymore, Theon ~
I’m gonna kill him now💀💀
Oh shut the hell up theon you funky funker
Pls reject him he’s not sincere I don’t trust him
U went there dorothy wondering if theon was gonna confess to you. But ur gonna doubt and get jealous when Ethan came in 🤨 she annoyed me in this one
Who loves manga
No no no and no you and Ethan are better
Naah they both are toxic and I don’t like em
Dude shut up
Yunie Yun
Oh shut up you !! Dorothy, Ethan really loves you !!