Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 74
You don't have anything in histories
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Omg I hate him soo much
He’s not too late he is two life late
I’m not crying okay what’s the use now 😭
Dorothy should not forgive him plzzzz
Yea, no, I ain’t crying. No way are they going to say he cares for Dorothea after all this while. She “gets” the spirit power and suddenly this man has an epiphany? Please, this is sloppy.
about time. we still hate your guts.
FUcK this MF. big relief when i saw the spoiler that Dorothy don’t give a fuck when he died.
At least he isn’t shameless enough to try to get her back. He knew he fucked up and can never unfuck it
Horrible father and bad brother I hope when the father die and wife abandon him just as he abandoned there daughter and the brother I can forgive him if he grow a backbone and become better person
You have to pay for what you did to, apologise to her and wait for her to trust you back, Your majesty.
@KaxD198 same i still don’t like ray. He watched his sister being abused still didn’t do anything. I KNOW the emperor is strong but them why didn’t he defended her infront of his friends? I mean he is crown prince so he has power more than his friends. Ignoring a crime is still a crime.
Fvck this mf. I hope he meets his wife when he dies and she gets angry at him. I HATE HIM
You deserve ur daughter’s hatred. I hope u she won’t ever forgive u
Kkk não me vem com esse Papinho de arrependido não.
Her mother was so pretty
also, still hate him
who here agrees
WOW finally the Emperor realized that he was a bad father and is surprised that his daughter doesn’t want anything to do with him.
Plus maybe it’s just me but I still don’t like Rey, when his so called friends spoke ill of about Dorothe he didn’t even try to defend her just like when their father abused her. He’s still as useless as before.
jeez fuck off
Na uh, don’t even try to redeem him, he looked at his miserable little girl and continued to mistreat her, unforgivable
nahh you missed your chance asshole, now back off, leave her and her family alone, you are not her family anyway.
Jeez… I want to forgive him but sorry buddy, I can’t.
The fact that golden hour started playing the moment this guy started his flashback pisses me off.
A lot actually 😤