Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 74
You don't have anything in histories
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“despite my efforts-” DESPITE WHAT EFFORTS!???!?!???!??!!?!?!?
He’s still trash
he’s full of himself
he was burried deep in sorrow but didn’t neglect his eldest child for sure neglected the last kid oh yea he also tried strangling her 😃
“Have i been neglecting her for too long”???? “Despite my effort”??????
You sir dont deserve to be part of dorotheas better life ಠ_ಠ
I hate him, but im glad his dumbass is finally coming to the realization its never too late to change, but forgiveness is gonna take one hell of a time. Also glad to see Alice, shes grossly unfeatured 😭
He can go to hell
What a hypocrite he is. He just realise but why now? Because when he knew that she also have spirit of light powers that why and now he is giving attention to her daughter.
If fl have been same, he still would have treated her the way he was treating her.
Oh, did you JUST realize? After so many years and a whole past life?
Didn’t have time because of longing for Alice and the legitimacy of the royal family? Well Boohoo.
Way to late to regret now.
Live, die and drown in your sorrow
I mean, I get why y’all don’t like this humanizing of the emperor, but imo this is important, because it shows that the emperor isn’t just a 1 dimensional asshole-villain, but a man who did incredibly counterproductive (not to mention stupid and irrational) things in his grief.
Does this mean we should forgive him? Probably not, but it’s good to see him recognize what he’s been doing is incredibly foolish
He needs to suffer longer for the shit he’s pulled.
uh yeah but ur not going to be forgave dude.
If this 6ft pile of horsesh*t gets a redemption arc now after all the fuc*ery he pulled over two lifetimes, I’ll drop this story faster than an iron wok left on stove at full flame for half a day🤬
Realizing that after she got a power…
I guess he’s gonna stay as an a*shole if fl didn’t got a spirit huh
No shit Sherlock. I mean hell, you think of your deceased wife 24/7 yet you just now remember what she said? For god sakes, it took him how long just to figure out one thing 🤨🙄😒
Finally he understand what he did and regrets. I’m happy for him. Realizing what you did wrong is very good thing 🥹🫠🥺😭😭😭