Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 69
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Ugh why do all the monicas I see lately have to be bleeps
awww does ray wants to become a farmer 🥺
Who loves manga
Just update 10 chapters please 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢 I am dying to know what’s gonna happen 😭😭😭😭😢😢😢
@EternityEver, what about Dorothy and Esthan relationship?
Monica, eh? I wonder if Ethan would use her or something
when dorothy becomes queen, raymond becomes a farmer cause he wants to
I like the way this is going, like we have two MCs that know the future and we can see the story from two different perfectives. It’s really nice!! Also pls someone kill the emperor I can’t stand him anymore
So Raymond didn’t want to become the emperor from the very beginning? He was simply forced to?