Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 6
You don't have anything in histories
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if ur talking about past life yea she didn’t hate them initially
she was jealous of the love that her brother got from the dad and he got everything easily coz he was crown prince ( everyone who wasn’t the dad basically)
she didn’t get the love from dad who taught she was eye sore
brother was dumb didn’t realise or atleast never tried to show what family love is
always clinging isn’t smtg called love
here this time line she is just to done to try anything
one thing for sure she doesn’t hate the brother atleast she just doesn’t want anything to do with him coz she fears what happened in first time line
don’t hate fl this time line
she’s trying her best to be a good girl
When you don’t get love by the ones u love nor good parenting who tells you what right and what wrong people becomes lonely and they didn’t know what to do so a person can be become good or bad…so in this story fl in her previous life become greedy which made her life desirable and now she have regrets wants to become a good person so i don’t want you people starts hating her
Forget the father. She is also the reason of her own misery even now. She is too complicated person, she wants love from those(father and Theon) who doesn’t love her and she ignore who love her(brother). That’s the main reason of her misery even now.
Her obsession of becoming cp(still inside her mind) and jealous is her misery. If she really wants a happy life in this life she should not hope for becoming cp, jealousy and love.
She’s like his father.. her father hates her for her mother and she hates for brother because of his father.
Do you not understand that she still thinks her brother is lazy and stupid, he doesn’t study statesmanship and takes everything he has for granted. He is a silly child and she is an old jaded loser and I mean that in the sense that she lost, she fought as hard as she could to get what she wanted and lost anyway. All her hard work was like ashes so she hates that he was born with everything she wanted and he doesn’t take it seriously nor appreciate it.
i don’t understand why does she have to be rude to her brother, he’s such a cutie
I mean it’s not his fault that they’re making him the crown prince and neither it’s his fault that the emperor don’t like the princess.
Oh sh1t (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
Can’t you guys just shut up?? This lil grl is about to get kidnapped!!😫
I hate the father but i hate the FL .. she said she wants to change the things why instead help his brother to be a perfect crown prince she avoiding him she like his father both are lacking interest and change the bad habit they have now.
Waiting for character development here..
I really want to kick carnan face so fvcking 😡😡
idc if he’s a kid, i understand that he’s carefree but shouldn’t the fl too, cmon it’s not like y’all don’t know what bad parenting does to a kid they’re both a mess even before the reincarnation their father is just a boy who have no balls to raise a kid, he’s just like a boy who’s still in his teenage years mourning to her gf for 8 years and discarding his duties, does he really think that the empress will like him being a piece of shit to his kids? no! mf!
i hate his brother, so annoying
haurva’s comment is really well put
Before saying anything to the brother remember one thing he’s still a kid with a childlike mind unlike our fl who’s experiencing her 2nd life
I want more cause emotional damage
of course it grates on her so much that he’s like this. he doesn’t respect boundaries even when clearly communicated, sure, but she understands he’s an idiot child. what grates is that she wants to lose to him fair and square, and he’s not even giving her that dignity. he’s not even trying. he wins by existing, and all that does is twist the knife that the only reason she isn’t favored is… because she exists. no other reason. her father hates her for something that isn’t her fault and that’s waved in her face every time he fails to take his position seriously. he’s a constant reminder of how miserable her life will always be, and with how gleefully he ignores her wishes, it’s almost like he’s doing it on purpose. i’d hate his stupid guts too
The little brother is so cute and innocent. He’s just a simple minded guy who’s contented with simple and small things. He loves planting, what’s wrong with that? And he just want to be close to the only sibling he have. I understand the FL,she have this inferiority complex. Ofc, it’s their father’s fault, he’s impartial and stupid.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
ofc every time an fl goes out in public there’s always someone trying to kidnap her. This happens in every manhwa lol
because it’s a handy plot devicd….
Our girl gets kidnapped and the father doesn’t give a flying f*ck about her😡
Oh fuuk. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ