Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 48
You don't have anything in histories
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@LucyTime can you also just get the fuck out of here? You’re the annoying one. If you don’t like it drop it and get lost, just simple as that. You narrow minded biatch
cant she just get tf over him, so annoying
Girl get lost you’re te dumbest bitch i encounter here. Can’t read and comprehend? Or you just don’t have a brain. If you don’t understand what the FL feels then you’re a trash just like her father, you sick minded people.
Wait her moms from Fledia right? Did they ever consider her affinity might lean more toward the spirit of darkness???
theon needs the growth
It still doesn’t make sense to me how she didn’t contact Ethan for YEARSSS already! Looking forward for her coming of age tho
@imsleepdeprived @davillainess my friends are the same!!!
the world is filled with people like that lmao
Who loves manga
@HedwigGranger yes I totally agree with you 🥹🥹🥹
I think dorothy’s progress is so mesmerizing. She goes from one dark past to the other. First, she resolved the dark past with Ethan, turned it to the light. Next is with her brother. I guess from now on is the arch for resolving the dark past with Theon. I am so proud of this little princess 🥹💕 anyway I am #TeamTheon 🙂
@davillaness glad to know I’m not the only one with mated that are like that
One time I got a 10% on a short-answer chemistry exam, and my lab mate leaned over and incredulously asked, “what did you get RIGHT??”
i think the questions on the exam must have been multiple choice (especially with the number of applicants they must’ve had. Sure, scoring zero on short answer is easy (leave them all blank or misunderstand the material) but with multiple choice, if you don’t understand, just randomly guessing the answers is almost a 100% guarantee of giving you some points. Just selecting “A” for every answer will give you some points. The only way to answer all the questions and ensure you don’t get any points is to know all the answers and purposefully choose wrong.
the difference b/w brother – sister relationship in reality vs here
Alma Marvell
@Seaweedgirl same XDDD
I score 0 twice, not because i am smart, but the opposite 😂. The cherry on top was when my chemistry teacher put a sad face in that zero number 😂✨️. Something like this ☹
I scored 0 once in a lesson which i nvr studied before due to some stupid admin errors in a private school entrance exam x.x i must be a genius!!
I’m still laughing at those thinking Dorothy is stupid because she scored 0 at the exam XD Are they really THAT stupid to not understand that someone can score zero only when they know ALL the correct answers??? She scored 100/100 dammit! Pathetic humans
seeing the brother and sister’s relationship get better is making me sobbb 😭😭😭💗💗 AARRHGHGRHRGH
Why did Dorothy stop sending letters to Athan??😭