Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 46
You don't have anything in histories
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Hate people like trashy bitch
How can a person have Such a attitude this father of her is total piece of garbage
It’s getting boring because it’s still an infinite loop of shitty father insulting his children and Dorothea b3ing guilty of her past life as a tyrant…
Carnan is the ugliest rofan dad for a reason, there is nothing but his unreasonable hate for a child, that’s why he aged so badly, and so quickly. The story’s spaned some 16-18 years at this point (I don’t remember Doro’s age in this chapter, but it’s before her coming of age, so under 18 or 16), yet Carnan has aged like a president in that, at most he’s like 50, since nobles, and especially in these stories get married and have kids young. Meanwhile there’s Gallahan, Regis, Claude, even Anastasius, they stayed hot regardless of the passage of time. It’s called being a DAD! Can’t be a dilf if you don’t dad!
Istg hiw tf does summoning spirits have literally anything to do with making a disabled center 🙄
@One who doesnt sleep
I think what’s amazing is truly the capacity for love she has, despite being denied it by her ‘father”.
Would she feel this guilty for killing Ray if she didn’t love him? Would she have taken in those two kids under her wing if she couldn’t care? Attended the funeral of her maid’s father and now she’s doing her best to help her brother and others like him?
She loves so so much
Every time I think the emperor can’t get any worse, he does
One who doesnt sleep
It’s pitiful, her situation I mean.
One who doesnt sleep
How can someone who doesn’t love herself, be expected to love others?
I’m glad the siblings r so close to each other now
Man i wish to grab her and guve a tight hug and kisses
The translations is a bit off
But Ray did well, I’m almost amazed!