Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 42
You don't have anything in histories
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Ray is an cute kind innocent IDIOT 😊
I liked the Raymond character but now I don’t. I thought he was child that why he didn’t cared how Dorothy treated by emperor but now it feels like he really is stupid. He really still don’t know. Everyone knows about it beside him.
I don’t get it, this is so unrealistic.
at first I thought Ray is innocent
then I thought he is naive
now, I think he is an idiot. How could he never thought that FL intentionally get zero score?
Bro for some unknown reason my tears won’t stop
Hope he gets a lesson from his wife soon,dead or alive alsoooo I highly agree each time I look at her I think about lily and both love the princesses unconditionally as well
@aprolrose1234 ye ikr thats why i feel like ive seen her somwhere
the wife must regret marrying this piece of trash because of the way he’s abusing and neglecting her beloved daughter, and might i add, the wife’s precious sacrifice to bring such a wonderful little girl into the world. @termythewormy i remember reading a manhwa just like that and a recent one where the mother takes over a teddy bear’s body to slap and beat the shit out of her husband for neglecting his daughter. honestly, ultimate karma is the father ending up alone in the end, even in death and the afterlife.
I remember reading a manwha once where the terrible father died and met his wife in heaven and had to admit that he’d abused their daughter for being the “reason” she died. I want that to happen to this turd so his wife can inform him that he’ll spend the rest of eternity alone because she can’t stand the sight of someone who would do that to a child she loved enough to give her life for 😊
the last panel is so wholesome
One who doesnt sleep
I am happy to see that we can all agree. #TheKingIsATrashyFather #TheKingShouldDie
If there was a way Dorothea could have a new father, I would happily help. Petition for a new father for Dorothea.
Luckily the “father” died early in her last life, shouldn’t be too long now. That good for nothing bastard.
She deserves happiness <3
Also maybe I'm the only one but Ray x Theon wouldn't be that bad XD
Sebastian and then maid are <3333
Is it only me or that maid look like lily from wmmap but with green eyes?
I will forvere hate the king ass even if he changes. No, I don’t ever think he will.
Sigh….. Atleast she is happy with them. Thank you lord author for letting them be happy atleast for few minutes
Damn he’s even doubling down on hating his own daughter, no reception arc can save him at this point 😫😫
Stupid Emperor😡 if you don’t want your daughter then leave her be dorothea already found a new family that loves her
The father is a bastard, Kill him.