Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 39
You don't have anything in histories
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Claude😫 read it back again, then read it again and I bet you still won’t get it
They was talking about the father being trash. They didn’t say ” I don’t wanna read this no more”
@Sleepn__.o bro if you don’t like the story then quit its not that hard
Sleepn _ _.o
I rather have trash then a dad like you, oh wait what the difference?
Ass. He better not have a redemption arc. 😒
why have children if you’re gonna be a bad dad..?
Can i please choke this asshole?
Honor? That scumbag has no honor.
@Your_Anxiety attack thanks for the spoiler
Athy312 cause she has the same bday as me
He is worse than Ludwig from actually I was the real one. Anyways both of them are scumbags. The only fathers I approve of is gallahan Lombardi and Claude. They treasure their daughters so much.
Your_Anxiety attack
This scumbag emperor even has the audacity to ask/ beg for Dorothea to save/heal him in the future and if I remember correctly he only apologized when he finds out that Dorothea has powers too.
That father is dumb
fucking classless bitch
What a rubbish father. Dumb and idiot, if im d dead mother, i ll haunt him in his dream and everywhere for treating my beautiful daughter dat way! D fork!
christ her dad is such fucking trash. just write your name on the paper and leave the rest blank. fail intentionally. emperor can go fuck himself
piss off dude don’t u feel embarrassed of taking out ur anger on a child??
Why is he bugging her this time around. What is running away just pissing him off so much because he can’t watch her suffer?
the HEAD of this f@cking emperor LOOKS GOOD TO HANG IN FRONT FOOR TO SCARE PEOPLE 🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️
im here for the men
that scumbag so called the emperor, please fuck off